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Skin Care

11 Home Remedies And Tips to Get Rid of Facial Hair


Have you ever gone through the agony of noticing unwanted hair on your face just before an event or while going out?

There is nothing worse that can make a dent on our self-confidence just before we need it the most. Many women across all ages have to go through this same problem and they ultimately turn to threading, waxing or epilating this hair. But if you have tried any of these methods, they are not a full-proof solution as it can make your face look swollen or red.

But thankfully there are totally natural and permanent solutions in the form of home remedies which can help you to completely get rid of this unwanted facial hair.

These methods might take a longer period to work, but the solution is completely organic and long-lasting. The best part is that most of these ingredients can be found in your kitchen.

Before we begin with these home remedies which deal with the removal of facial hair, let’s have a look at some of the causes of facial hair.

What Causes Facial Hair?

As mentioned above, all women have facial hair that are usually very fine and light in color. The problem arises when hair growth is more than normal and it appears as thick, stubbly or very dark in color.

The growth of unwanted excessive hair on your face is known as ‘Hirsutism’. While dealing with hirsutism, the growth of hair on your face becomes more frequent and its texture becomes more like men’s facial hair.

The growth of facial hair happens due to the following causes:

1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that occurs in females. It is normally centered towards uncertain menstruation cycles but also affects your hair growth, health, and skin.

In Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), the production of androgen (male hormones) increases, making it difficult for estrogen (female hormone) to function. Your body may also stop responding to insulin and produce less progesterone (a hormone produced in the ovaries).

All this together causes excessive unwanted facial and body hair to grow.

2. Thyroid Disorder

The thyroid is a very complex disease which messes up with your body in a very weird way. It is normally targeted towards the thyroid gland located in your neck.

There are two types of thyroids called Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism.

The symptoms of thyroid can differ depending on which type of thyroid you are affected with. Hair loss, unwanted facial hair growth, weight loss, weight gain, swelling in the neck are some of the common symptoms reported by patients.

3. Any other underlying disease and health condition which is still not identified by the doctor.

Home Remedies And Tips For Unwanted Facial Hair

Now that we have understood the possible reasons for excessive unwanted hair growth on your face. Let’s look into some home remedies that would be beneficial in getting rid of facial hair.

Home Remedies have been very notably and successfully proving their effectiveness through the ages. Since olden days, people have always used natural organic ingredients to treat skin, hair or health issues. It is a wonderful thing that home remedies have sustained its worth and are still very much in use.

Let’s begin with home remedies made with natural organic ingredients to get rid of unwanted excessive facial hair.

NOTE: Though, home remedies almost never have side effects, be sure to do a patch test of the remedy on your arm before you apply it to your face. This is because the skin on your face is slightly sensitive and may react differently to the remedy; hence it is better to confirm the remedy before trying it on and getting side effects.

1. Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, and Olive Oil

Orange and Lemon Home Remedy for Facial Hair Removal

Orange and Lemon are both acidic in nature and act as perfect astringents for your face. They try to maintain the PH level of your skin, while dealing with dead skin cells and also fight with bacteria in your skin. They also prevent ingrown hair from occurring and helps in getting rid of facial hair gradually.

You Need:

  • 2 tbsp. Orange Peel Powder
  • 2 tbsp. Lemon Peel Powder
  • 2 tsp. Olive Oil


  1. Take 2 tbsp. Orange Peel Powder and 2 tbsp. Lemon Peel Powder in a bowl. (You can either purchase the peel powders directly or also can make it yourself by drying out the peels of the fruit and then grinding it in a blender.)
  2. Add the olive oil to the bowl. Mix till it forms a paste.
  3. Apply it on your face where you see ingrown or unwanted hair.
  4. Leave it on for 10 mins.
  5. Wash it off with clean water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel.
  6. Repeat twice a week.

2. Sugar, Lemon, and Honey

Sugar, Lemon and Honey Remedy for Unwanted Hair

Sugar has always been known as a natural exfoliator. It cleanses your skin deeply, removes dirt from clogged pores and gets rid of dead cells. Lemon again has acidic and bleaching properties which cleanses your skin and provides a brighter skin tone. Honey has antibacterial properties that fight with the bacteria. These three altogether make a great face scrub that helps in getting rid of facial hair and eventually stops unwanted hair growth on your face.

You Need:

  • 1 – 2 tbsp. Granulated Sugar
  • 1 tsp. Honey
  • 2 tsp. Lemon Juice


  1. Take 1 – 2 tbsp. Granulated Sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add the honey and the lemon juice in the bowl. Mix till it forms a scrub like paste.
  3. Apply it on your face where you see unwanted hair and rub the paste in a circular motion to scrub your face.
  4. Do it for about 2 -3 minutes.
  5. Then, wash it off with clean water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel.
  6. Repeat four times a week for better results.

3. Apricot and Honey

Apricot and Honey Home Remedy to Get rid of Facial Hair

Apricot is an amazing fruit filled with vitamin and minerals which helps in treating your skin. Apricots are rich in anti-oxidants which help remove blackheads, reduce wrinkles on your skin, soothe your skin and provide you with glowing skin. Honey, on the other hand, works as an anti-bacterial agent which cleanses your pores and moisturizes your skin.

You Need:

  • 1 Apricot
  • 2 – 3 tbsp. Honey


  1. Take the apricot and grind it to get a semi – coarse paste. Next, add the honey.
  2. Mix till it forms a semi-liquid paste.
  3. Apply it on your face where you see unwanted hair. Leave it on for 10 minutes.
  4. Then, wash it off with clean water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel. Repeat twice a week for better results.

4. Egg Whites and Tissue Paper

Egg Whites and Tissue Paper to remove Thick Facial Hair in Women

Egg whites contain albumin, which is a protein that helps in tightening your pores, prevents saggy skin and also moisturizes your skin. The tissue paper that sticks to your skin with the help of the egg white acts as a peel-off mask and helps in uprooting the deep-rooted hair follicles and helps in getting rid of unwanted facial hair.

You Need:

  • 1 Egg
  • 4 – 5 Tissue Papers
  • A flat brush


  1. Break the egg and separate the egg yolk and the egg white.
  2. Put the egg white in a bowl. Now tear the tissues papers in pieces which will help them stick easily on your face.
  3. Dip the brush in the egg white and brush it on your face. Now gently place a piece of the tissue paper on the part of your skin where you previously brushed the egg white. Dip the brush in the egg white and brush it again on your face where the tissue paper is stuck. Repeat these steps till your whole face is covered with tissue paper soaked in egg white. Leave it for 15 minutes. Slowly start peeling the tissue papers off your skin.
  4. Wash your face with warm water and pat your skin dry with a towel.

5. Fenugreek and Honey

Fenugreek and Honey Natural Remedy to remove Facial Hair

Fenugreek contains Vitamin C and vitamin K which helps in reducing dark spots, dry skin and also exfoliates your skin. Exfoliating helps in removing the hair follicles from your skin and makes your skin smooth, clean and glowing. Honey, again is a great binding agent and helps in maintaining clearer and supple skin.

You Need:

  • 4 – 5 tbsp. fenugreek seeds
  • 2 – 3 tbsp. Honey


  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight so that they swell up and are ready to use in the morning.
  2. Take the swollen fenugreek seeds and mash them up.
  3. Next, add the honey.
  4. Mix it well till it forms a mixture
  5. Apply it on your face where you see unwanted hair. Leave it on for 10 minutes.
  6. Then, wash it off with fresh water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel.
  7. Repeat twice a week for better results.

6. Gelatin and Milk

Gelatin and Milk Natural and Easy Facial Hair Removal Method

Gelatin is a super product that contains amino acids and is filled with proteins. Gelatin helps in rejuvenating your skin from within, helps in getting glowing skin and improves skin elasticity. Milk is a moisturizing agent which helps in making your skin soft and supple. Gelatin along with milk acts as a homemade peel off face mask which helps in removing blackheads, tiny unwanted hair on your face and removes dead skin cells.

You Need:

  • 1 – 2 tbsp. of Gelatin Powder
  • 2 – 3 tbsp. of Milk


  1. Heat some milk on medium heat. (Don’t boil it. Just heat it to make it lukewarm).
  2. Add the gelatin powder to the milk. Wait till it dissolves completely. Stir the mixture to mix everything properly.
  3. Start applying it on your face. Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes.
  4. After it dries completely, peel the mask off your face.
  5. Then, wash the remaining mask off your face with some warm water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel.
  6. Repeat twice a week for better results.

7. Potato and Black Lentil or Urad Dal

Potato and Black Lentil Remedy for Hair Removal

Black Lentils or Urad dal is rich in protein and iron. This helps in producing collagen and improves the elasticity in your skin. Potatoes are a great source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Potatoes help in improving your complexion, lighten your skin and exfoliate your skin from within.

You Need:

  • 4 – 5 tbsp. Black Lentils or Urad Dal
  • 2 – 3 tbsp. potato juice


  1. Soak the black lentils or urad dal overnight so that they swell up and are ready to use in the morning.
  2. Take the swollen black lentils or urad dal and mash them up.
  3. Next, add the potato juice. (You can make potato juice by grating a medium-sized potato and then squeezing to extract the juice of the grated potato).
  4. Mix it well till it forms a paste.
  5. Apply it on your face where you see unwanted hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  6. Then, wash it off with fresh water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel.
  7. Repeat four times a month for faster results.

8. Green Gram / Mung Dal And Rosewater

Green Gram and Rose Water Home Remedy to Get rid of Hair

Green Gram or Mung contains vitamin A and vitamin C which helps in tightening your skin, reducing dark spots and helps in improving the texture of your skin. Rosewater, on the other hand, has always been a great natural tool to maintain the pH level of your skin and helps in getting a glowing skin. It also controls the excess secretion of oil from your skin which in turn helps in controlling the growth of hair on your face.

You Need:

  • 5 – 6 tbsp. Green Gram or Mung
  • 3 – 4 tbsp. Rose Water


  1. Soak the green gram or mung overnight so that they swell up and are ready to use in the morning.
  2. Take the swollen green gram or mung and mash them up using a spoon.
  3. Next, add the rose water.
  4. Mix it well till it forms a paste.
  5. Apply it on your face where you see unwanted hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  6. Then, wash it off with fresh water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel. Repeat twice a week for better results.

9. Barley Powder And Milk

Barley Powder and Milk Remedy for Facial Hair Removal

Barley is considered a great source of zinc, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty oils. Barley treats clogged pores by removing all the dirt, dead skin cells and oil that has been stored in the pores. It also very effectively hydrates your skin and brightens your skin complexion. Milk contains B-vitamins, alpha hydroxy acids, calcium and is a great moisturizing agent that makes your skin supple and soft. This combination is very effective in the removal of facial hair.

You Need:

  • 2 – 3 tbsp. of Barley Powder
  • 4 – 5 tsp. of Milk


  1. Add some barley powder to the milk. (The milk should be neither too hot nor too cold, it should be room temperature.)
  2. Wait till it dissolves completely. Stir the mixture to mix everything properly.
  3. Start applying it on your face. Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes.
  4. After it dries completely, wash the mask off your face with some warm water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel.
  5. Repeat once a week for better results.

10. Banana And Oatmeal

Banana and Oatmeal Home Remedy to get rid of Facial Hair in Women

Banana is rich with potassium and numerous vitamins. Applying banana on to your skin benefits your skin efficiently. Banana helps in oil control that in turns helps in controlling hair growth on your face. It also has amazing anti-aging and skin firming benefits. Oatmeal has always been a very efficient ingredient while acting as a natural scrubbing or exfoliating agent for your skin. It has numerous antioxidants properties which help your skin protect itself from damage and maintains the original texture of your skin.

You Need:

  • Half a Banana (mashed) (you can mash the banana using a fork)
  • 2 – 3 tbsp. Oatmeal.
  • 4 – 5 tsp. of Milk


  1. Add the mashed banana and oatmeal to a bowl. Now add the milk.
  2. Mix it well till it forms a paste
  3. Apply it on your face and rub it in circular motions to exfoliate your skin. (This also improves blood circulation)
  4. Then, wash it off with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel. Repeat twice a week for better results.

11. Chickpea Flour Mask

Chickpea Flour and Milk Home Remedy for Facial Skin and unwanted hair

Chickpeas are a great source of zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium and a variety of proteins. Chickpeas are great for removing dark spots from the surface of your skin and helps in tightening the pores in your skin. It also very effectively lightens and brightens your skin tone. You can either use rose water or milk as a binding agent with the chickpea flour to form into a face mask.

You Need:

  • 2 – 3 tbsp. of Chickpea Flour
  • 4 – 5 tsp. of Milk or Rose Water (depends upon the availability and your choice)


  1. Add the chickpea flour to a bowl. Now add the milk or the rose water.
  2. Mix it well till it forms a paste
  3. Apply it on your face or any particular place you see unwanted facial hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Then, wash it off with cool water and pat your face dry with a clean and fresh towel. Repeat twice a week for better results.

With this, we have come to the end of the compilation providing you with the many different types of home remedies to try and get rid of unwanted facial hair.

Final Words

Along with these home remedies, you should also follow some tips which will help you receive more positive and faster results. Some tips include – having a healthy balanced diet and reducing the intake of junk and oily food. Believe it or not, the way your skin reacts owes a lot to the way your stomach functions. So take care of what you eat and your skin will respond in a similar way. A healthy stomach will give you healthy skin. Exercise regularly and stay fit. Visit a doctor, find out the underlying cause, and take medications, if prescribed by your doctor.

If you are not satisfied with only trying out home remedies, you could always go the extra step and try out other hair removal methods. Waxing, threading, using an epilator or even going out and trying out laser hair removal. These methods may be a bit more expensive to try, would require you to continue repeating these methods numerous times and may even have side effects. We advise to initially try out natural home remedies that will be best suitable for your skin. Home remedies are gentle on your skin and won’t cause any side effects.

Yes, we understand having unwanted facial hair can be quite the self-esteem dipper in your life and may even make you extremely insecure and self – conscious. But believe us; trying out the home remedies provided above, following the necessary tips, taking medicines that are prescribed by your doctor and lastly maintaining happy and positive mind will help you regain your confidence. So always uphold a positive outlook towards life which helps in improving your body from within!

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